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Dont Trade with China until they respect human Rights and Animal Rights

Dont Trade with China until they respect human Rights and Animal Rights

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Diese Petition wurde von Christiane H. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
Christiane H.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
President Barack Obama
Boycott all Products from China!

At this days almost every products are made in China:Clothes,
Household Articles , Toys, Computer. Check the Labels and dont buy Products from China until they respect Animal Rights and human Rights.

Help to identify fake or real fur:

Tens of millions of animals are slaughtered and butchered in China each year. Animal fur is in high demand, and the Chinese deliver. What does not get exported outside of China usually ends up on a dinner plate. The sad fact is that the animals suffer horrendous torture. They are captured on the streets, and packed by the dozens into small cages, without ability to move. They are then tossed like inanimate objects from the trucks, onto the ground, hitting each other and the steel cages. These cages are later stacked, and the real nightmare begins. The animal is brutally pulled out of the cage, and tied to prevent resistance. It is lightly stunned by a blow on the head, but still alive. If the animal is not heavy, the worker holds it by its hind legs, waves it in the air and then bashes its head against the ground.
It is our moral obligation to these animals. If we shut our eyes this will not go away!

The Chinese government has for years severely restricted the freedom of movement, speech and religion of its citizens, failed to develop an independent judiciary, done very little to curb discrimination against ethnic minorities and continued to execute more people per year than the rest of the world combined.

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