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restoring health for all people,defend freedom rights/constitution,equality of naturopathy/healing with schoolmedicine

restoring health for all people,defend freedom rights/constitution,equality of naturopathy/healing with schoolmedicine

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Diese Petition wurde von AE. A. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
AE. A.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
the german Bundestag and the constitutional court in Karlsruhe
please sign here: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/gesunderhaltungaller-verteidigt-selbstbestimmungsrechte-verfassung-gleichstellungnaturheilverfahren

The health inshurance regulations in germany leak to protect the constitutional (Grundgesetz(GG)) guaranteed rights, of freedom of choise, or freedom of movement, also in a foreign country while beeing ill. It also does not pay for any natural treatsments which have not been legalized by the school medicine before. The inshurancy abuses the sick pay to force people into schoolmedicine treatment and also does not accept any other proof of beeing ill, then a schoolmedicine doctor's testimonial. This and more annuals the in the constitution and the united nations declaration of human rights guaranteed rights of the citizens and gives the pharmazeutical industrie via schoolmedicine power over the health of the people.
If germany would chance these laws, this could have effects for whole europe in a positive way, for a healthier health system, finances, market economie, and , most important, the true health of the population.
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