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Stop Europe's nuclear disaster

To NATO leaders:

The Cold War has been over for more than 20 years. Keeping US nuclear weapons in Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy makes no sense. These weapons are relics of a bygone age: they are dangerous, useless and expensive and do not address today’s actual security threats. We urge you to remove these weapons from Europe. You have a historic opportunity to take the next critical step toward a world without nuclear weapons. 

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Stop Europe's nuclear disaster
The Cold War ended 20 years ago, but there are still nearly 200 of US nuclear weapons primed to launch in Europe. In five days, NATO leaders are meeting to finally discuss removing them.

These weapons rely on outdated technology and experts say they could accidentally launch at any time -- plus, they cost us hundreds of millions a year in upkeep! At last, a critical mass of leaders from Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and even President Obama, have said it is a priority to remove them. But decisions in NATO are made by consensus, and France is blocking the move. Let's rally massive support now to get rid of them.

Sign the petition on the right to clear Europe of these dangerous nukes then forward this email widely -- Avaaz will deliver the petition at the NATO meeting in Chicago when we reach 500,000 signers:


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