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The European Parliament:   Stop offenders access in the European Parliament!

The European Parliament: Stop offenders access in the European Parliament!

1 au semnat. Hai să strângem
50 Susținători


Completează-ți semnătura

, îţi va proteja datele confidenţiale și te va ține la curent în legătură cu această campanie și alte campanii similare.
Această petiție a fost creată de Constantinescu M. și nu reprezintă în mod necesar părerile comunității Avaaz.
Constantinescu M.
a inițiat această petiție pentru
The European Parliament
We are deeply concerned that the European Parliament tolerate applying for future European parliamentarians, of persons under criminal investigation or sentenced in the first instance. The European Parliament is the highest executive forum in Europe.
These people should be banned not only submission of the application but also their validation function MEP !
By accepting the candidature of such persons, The European Parliament turns into a criminal association, a shield for potential definitively convicted. If a MEP that the time of application was the stage of the criminal investigation or sentenced at first instance, will be sentenced, he will must be jailed. Just imagine how it would look arrest him even in plenum of the European Parliament, right at the time of some important debates for European citizens!! Or should that convicted to be free? This will weaken the confidence of EU citizens in the European Parliament, in laws and even in the European Union !
You want something like this ?
To avoid such unwanted events, but almost certainly will happen, given Romania's list of candidates for the European Parliament elections in 2014 (see PPDD - Dan Diaconescu), we request European Parliament to ban candidature acceptance of persons under criminal investigation or sentenced in the first instance, as Dan Diaconescu - PPDD! This can be done simply by a provision of the European Parliament for the purpose. We do not believe that the European Parliament will treat with indifference or will reject our request, transforming itself into an institution to protect potential offenders!
Also emergency request exclusion of all MEPs are in the criminal investigation or sentenced in the first instance.
YOU, the honest people from the European Union, do you want that those who should ensure the future for you and for your children, to be potential criminals? Do YOU want to be represented by potential criminals? Do YOU want such kind of European Parliament?
We do not want! This is the truth!
Our government, mostly PSD, does nothing in this regard (see Adrian Severin)! The European Parliament also!
Help yourself, by helping us !
Sign this petition!
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