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Trion Worlds: A better and bugless Defiance Game !

Trion Worlds: A better and bugless Defiance Game !

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Diese Petition wurde von Hong T. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
Hong T.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
Trion Worlds
As you all know Defiance Game is very buggy. It was one of the worst MMO's 2013 and TrionWorlds lost a lot of reputation through this. With DLC3 there is no big update in the story planned. People are angry all the day, because this game doesn't develop well. With every new update they play on the server something is go to be broke again. Like the loot table issue. In my view Defiance never left the beta and I think they should overwork this game completely. I just want to get this game awesome, it has potential for sure, but every day I log in I just want to go instant offline next, because this game has to many bugs and isn't that good like it should be.
So, please TrionWorlds ! take more time for bugfixing and then start with new and big new content.
Folks, please sign this ! Help to reach the CEO of TrionWorlds !
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