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Li Keqiang, Premier Of The Central People's Government Of China: Stop murdering bears extracting bile out of them!

Li Keqiang, Premier Of The Central People's Government Of China: Stop murdering bears extracting bile out of them!

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Эта петиция была создана пользователем Svetlana R., чье мнение может не совпадать с мнением сообщества Авааз.
Svetlana R.
создал эту петицию с обращением к
Li Keqiang, Premier Of The Central People's Government Of The People's Repu
China has 68 licensed bear farms and more than 10,000 bears farming for bile, that can sell for 4,000 yuan akilogram. The Guizhentang Pharmaceutical company is a family-run business. It handles an extraction process which involves inserting a catheter into the bear's fistulas abdomen wounded gall bladder. Two of the products made with the extractions are bile bear powder and bile bear gelcaps medicine. The process involves inserting a catheter into the bear and cause serious suffering. And as the result, the process would develop liver cancer in 100% of the bears. Сomplaining about the charges about being cruel according to animals, the company said: "You are not a bear. You don't know if it is painful."
We have to prevent this animal murderes killing bears enriching their profits! Last year Guizhentang Pharmaceutical company was murdering 470 live bears, but they are planning to enlarge their quantity to 1200 bears to produce 4000 tons annually.
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