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German Family Court (Munich): Rescue my daughter Sophie W. from forced migration by her mother to Canada

German Family Court (Munich): Rescue my daughter Sophie W. from forced migration by her mother to Canada

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Diese Petition wurde von Thomas W. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
Thomas W.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
German Family Court (Munich)
Although this is a personal case it should be seeen as a precedence case for all fathers in Germany. Although Sophie does not want to go to Canada like her mother wishes so. The danger is very high that the court will vote in favour of her Mother if it thinks a)it would be the best for her and b)the continuity law is in place. Regarding point a)How can they determin from such a distance whats best for her? Regarding point b)they refer to the continuity with her mother - what about the continuity with her father, friends, schoolmates and the whole surroundings she is used to? What about the language change? Even as she says that she wants to stay here: She is almost 7 years old and the judge will likely like in most other cases not take this as a base for the final judgement. Please help by signing this petition to give fair rights also to fathers who love their children. Thank you.
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