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Stop Bullfighting! We have to stop Protoiro Foundation now! They are coming 18th August!

Stop Bullfighting! We have to stop Protoiro Foundation now! They are coming 18th August!

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Esta petição foi criada por Andreia B. e pode não representar a visão da comunidade da Avaaz.
Andreia B.
começou essa petição para
UNESCO president Katalin Bogyay, Oprah Gail Winfrey, Mylenne Farmer, Jonathan Safran Foer, Russell Simmons, Carol J Adams , Anthony Kiedis , Paul McCartney, Chris Martin, Leona Lewis , Nelly Furtado, Amanda Palmer, Joanna Lumley, Bryan Adams, Florence Henderson, Elizabeth Emanuel, Gary L. Francione, Dave Ackerman, Pierce Brosman , David Vaughan Icke, John Christopher Depp II, Gary Yourofsky
LETS MAKE IT VIRAL Because we want an worthy and human cultural heritage for our children, and because Viana is a Symbol and an example for the rest of the country. We need to do something BIG, so we are asking some artists to support us anyway and some of them are coming by they own will to support us against bullfighting and protoiro's ideology.
I call artists, everyone that believes in a worthwhile world and lives according to that.
We want interesting people with projection to talk about it .
All the artists that have the will of a different world are welcome to make it LOUD , being present or just speaking to the world that they support the abolition of bullfighting in Viana do Castelo, Portugal .(and of course all over the world!).

Viana do Castelo, was the first city of the country pronouncing itself as an "Against Bullfighting City", Protoiro, the Federation that makes bullfighting in Portugal is coming next 18/8 and we don´t have any law to protect us. Protoiro Federation insists in make bullfighting here because Viana do Castelo is an important SYMBOL for the people of our country, a symbol of ANIMAL LIBERATION.Many other cities here followed our example.WE DO NOT WANT THEM HERE, hurting and having fun about the suffering of sencient beings.

*!challenge!* take a picture of yourself and write on it something telling we want the eradication of bullfighting immediately * send it to

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