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50 داعم


أكمل/ي توقيعك

قام Elnazeir I. بانشاء هذه الحملة التي من الممكن أن لا تمثل وجهات نظر مجتمع آفاز.
Elnazeir I.
هذه العريضة الموجهة إلى
مطاردتي واسرتي وابناء شعبي المهمشين من قبل النظام الحاكم في السودان
Please note that I and my family and my organization and many of my people and tribes minorities Athdna by the ruling regime and the reason for that rejection of policies for the ruling regime in Sudan and racism practiced by all the institutions of the state and murder, displacement and Alachtsab arrests and liquidations that Aoukov in decades. As I would like to tell you that I personally when raised my voice to hear everyone and stand with me against Alanthecat disturbed my organization and has Mtarta and raise issues against me was my arrest in Jordan and Anacadm for treatment and then released me to be presented on the pressure and when rejected and the separation of the judiciary Jordanian ordered Mzakrh my arrest not to prove the system guide Adinina. Implant system intelligence secrecy in Jordan for nondestructive and steal my office and Dare and pay for people to raise issues forged against me and kidnap me and Osergh passports and threatening than me without an identity, and when I asked the Sudanese Embassy in Amman handed over and my family passports refused on the grounds that I shows the required system and asked for asylum, and recorded in the Office of High Commissioner for Refugees Refugees in Jordan, my number is 513/2009, and that time is not Totini became my family and I, and even without an identity document and the Commission take it from me abductees. Garret I hope your organization metropolitan immediately intervene and ask the lawyer to write off the propaganda counterfeit filed against me in Jordan stated my passport to me and my family and Tesferna any country so that I can defend my country and my people, and follow-up Hkota filed against the ruling regime in Sudan and stop the violations committed by the regime against me and marginalized Obna my legal means International human rights and restore activity of my organization. The solution he comes in the following. First fake palm requests against me from the governments of Sudan and Jordan. Re Joazseveri and my wife from kidnappers Aotshlmy passport from the United Nations, my wife and I and my daughters, because we now Blahoah. High Commissioner for Refugees to address Ptotini in any state. Address the international court in The Hague fairies inviting me to pursue cases against the government of Sudan and its president and his advisor and his ministers and his ruling party. Legal response from those who violated the social and abuse my position and my reputation disrupted my activity. Intervene in the problems and stand with me for not handed over to the Sudanese government. Shred views supports me to print and publish my novels. Allow me to travel to attend conferences that have been invited., And I am hopeful and Qovkm me resolve my problem and my family and my organization humanity and marginalized people of national proud
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